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Codename: Dragonslayer

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This is the Title Page, Table Of Contents and Prologue [choice one] for Codename: Dragonslayer.  Use the contact button to send me your opinions for future revisions.

Everyone Can Learn To Read

Chapter Titles

1. No Matter What Happens

2. Death Target

3. A Knight

4. Dilophian Danger

5. The Stienbeurk Syndicate

6. "Get Ready For The Adventure Of Your Life!"

7. Hitmen Arrive

8. Trapped

9. Fighting Back

10. Knight Training Center

11. The Mission

12. Into The Dragon's Mouth

13. Mountain Secret

14. The Challenge

15. Evacuation

16. The Price Of Freedom

17. Escape?

18. Execute On Sight

19. Patience

20. Face-To-Face With The Emperor

21. A Traitor Unmasked


A clenched fist slammed onto the expensive rectyn wood desktop with a force that echoed throughout the elegant room.  The impact was so powerful that the computer monitor wobbled, teetering on the verge of toppling over.  A dusty gray coffee mug bounced near the edge of the desk, its scalding hot contents splattering over the polished surface.

The man’s distinguished face was contorted in rage.  His hazel eyes blazed his anger as his visage turned purplish-red.  

“He saw that?”  He pointed accusingly at the massive screen on the far wall where blueprints of an underground building were displayed.

“I… I… don’t know,” came his male assistant's fearful, hesitant reply.  When his boss was in a mood like this, care had to be taken not to irritate him further.  “He was only in here a few moments.  I went to fetch your coffee when you were called out.  When I returned, he was lingering around your desk.  I escorted him out immediately but politely so he wouldn’t get suspicious.”

The man let out a long breath to calm himself as he leaned back into his plush leather chair.  His eyes remained locked on the sprawling blueprints displayed on the screen.  

“They were not up there when I left,” continued the assistant.  “He must have bumped your monitor, and it flashed it up to the screen.”

“He saw it,” he muttered, taking another long breath.  His face was returning to its normal colour as he considered the situation.  “He had to have seen it.”  He grabbed his coffee mug and took a sip.

“But he won’t know what it means.”

“Not now.”  A dangerous tone slipped into the now calm voice.  “But he’s smart.  He could piece it together once things start moving.”

“I doubt it, sir.  You are above reproach.”

“That’s a risk we can’t take.  There is too much at stake.  Any minor slip in the next few years and our plans could be destroyed - not to mention our lives.”  The man shook his head solemnly, “No, he must be removed.”

“Removed?  You want him killed?”

The man’s expression hardened.  Emotionlessly, he said, “Hire the best there is.  It has to be done right and done quickly.”

Go to Chapter One.

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