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Inspirational Quotes
By Author

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This is a page of Christian inspirational quotes by author.  These are unique to Glenn Davis Books as I have personally selected them and combined them with the pictures.  You will not find them anywhere else, so it will give you original content to bless your social media friends with!  You will discover words of encouragement, instruction or challenge to inspire you at the various places along your journey.  These authors are men and women of Godly character and much spiritual wisdom.  The quotes are taken from different books they have written.  If you find one or more especially inspiring, I suggest you do an internet search for the books they have written and read a few.  Reading is an essential part of Christian growth.  We all need a boost or re-focusing from time to time.  

Everyone Can Learn To Read

If you click on a picture, it will enlarge and allow you to scroll through the rest of the images.  Take your time and relax.  Maybe put on soft music as you let the words sink into your mind and meditate on them.

Enjoy and share these words of wisdom with your friends on Pinterest, Facebook and elsewhere.  To share on Pinterest is easy as each quote has a share button.  For Facebook or other social media, you will need to download the picture to your desktop and then upload it to your account as you would any other photo.  You may be able to drag the picture to your desktop, or you may need to hit Control and the Mouse button to Save Image [at least, that's how it works on a Mac].

If you would like to see these quotes arranged by subject, click here.

I will be continually adding to this page, so check back often.

"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?"  Rom. 8:31

Inspirational Quotes
By Author

Click on their name if you want to go directly to their Christian quotes: Bridges, Jerry, Carmichael, Amy, Cook, Graham, Cornwall, Judson, DeMar, GaryElliot, Elizabeth, Grant, George, Law, Terry, Lewis, C.S., Lloyd-Jones, MartynLotz, Anne Graham, Moore, Beth, Moore, Pam, North, Gary, Packer, J.I., Penn, William, Penner, Glenn M., Phillips, Michael, Picklyk, Andrew, Rosewell, Pam, Silvoso, Ed, Smith, Malcom, Sproul, R.C., Ten Boom, Corrie, Tozer, A.W., Unknown, Warner, Timothy, Welton, Jonathan, Wurmbrand, Richard.  God bless.

Note: When an author has nine or more quotes they receive their own page linked to this page. This allows you to quickly scroll through their quotes only.

Cook, Graham


Cornwall, Judson

Adam's Wonder
Christians choose how close to God they want to be.

DeMar, Gary

Dominion Establish
Dominion In Labour

Elliot, Elizabeth

A disciple follows Jesus.
Express Yourself
Rejection Of Authority makes everything just Fashion.

Grant, George

Church Is Central
The Gospel Is Comprehensive.
Culture And Christianity.
Fear Responsibility

Law, Terry

Eyes Windows Of Soul

Lewis, C.S.

Christ's Death
False Hope Of Creative Evolution.

Lloyd-Jones, Martyn

Bible Teaches Discipline

Lotz, Anne Graham

Read Bible
God Is Knowable

Moore, Beth

Experiencing freedom in Christ may be a lonely path.
Freedom trail begins in Christ

Moore, Pam


North, Gary

Biblical Law
Freedom State

Packer, J.I.

Conversion Is Commitment To Christ.

Penner, Glenn

God Given Rights

Picklyk, Andrew

Kingdom Of Darkness
Divine Cloaked In The Common.
God trusts you to make decisions.
Dream Must Have You
Holy Spirit Eternal Truth
God sees our finish line.
Get Busy

Silvoso, Ed

Conviction Determines Behaviour.
The Cross Is A Doorway.
Disciple Nations

Smith, Malcom

Love God, Love Others

Sproul, R.C.

The Covenant Of Redemption.

Ten Boom, Corrie

Joy In Dark Clouds

Tozer, A.W

complacency quote
He Waits
Know God
Pursue God
Pursue God



Warner, Timothy

How Selfish Quote
Talk Theology

Welton, Jonathan

The Valley
Choose Freedom
Feed Yourself Bible Study

Wurmbrand, Richard

Why Fight Against God?
Gateway Of Light

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