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Shadow Chaser by Christy Barritt

Shadow Chaser Book 2 of The Shadow Agency by Christy Barritt

As with most of Christy Barritt’s books, the action starts on the first page. Emily awakens to her house on fire. Desperately, she tries to reach the bedroom of her six-year-old daughter, but the flames make it impossible. She rushes outside to break the window and enter the room from the outside, but it is too late; the house is engulfed. Before sorrow can sink her, she receives a mysterious text telling her that her daughter is safe but not to call the police.

Relief that her daughter is safe is blended with unanswerable questions. Who would want her dead and not her daughter? She is not wealthy; why would someone want a ransom from her? Could this be related to her late husband’s fiery death? And more.

A strange man hands her a business card for the Shadow Agency, saying that they can help her. In desperation, she calls the agency and arranges to meet with an agent. When she turns up at the meeting, she is shocked to see that the man is Austin—a man who had broken her heart and disappeared seven years ago.

Austin is just as surprised to see Emily. The reunion is rough, but Emily needs Austin’s help to locate her daughter. Austin is determined to help her. More attempts on Emily’s life and no ransom demand underscore the seriousness of the situation. In the background is the nagging feeling that The Shadow Agency’s boss, Larchmont, knows more than he is telling. Was he the one who handed Emily the business card? But why? The Shadow Agency doesn’t get business that way, especially from clients who can’t afford to pay.

Like many of Christy Barritt’s books, Shadow Chaser is told from both Emily’s and Austin’s points of view. Each chapter is divided between them and flows together nicely. This book is excellent for those who like fast-paced action with a dash of romance.

This book can be purchased on Amazon.

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