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Maine Justice Book 2: Fort Point by Susan Page Davis

I enjoyed reading Fort Point by Susan Page Davis no relation. This is more of a romance/ mystery story than an action book, although it does have action as well. The story centers around Detective Harvey Larson of the Portland P.D. and his team from the Priority Unit as they investigate the murder of an internationally acclaimed author, Martin Blake. Martin Blake was an investigative reporter for a local newspaper and a crime novelist.

When the body of the wealthy Martin Blake is found in a river, it is apparent that this was not an accidental drowning. The pressure is high to solve this high-profile crime quickly, but what was the motive? Was it for his money? Was he working on a dangerous story for the newspaper? What about his novels? His first novel, especially, was based on an actual unsolved murder. Was he hitting too close to home for someone?

Maybe it had something to do with Mr. Blake’s high school reunion the previous day at Fort Point Park. This becomes more suspicious when another classmate, who attended the reunion, is found murdered. Could a deadly secret be reaching down through the years to claim the life of anyone who stumbles across it? What was it that unearthed a secret that threatens to destroy the lives and careers of people at the reunion?

On top of the pressure of this celebrity case, Harvey is getting married in a month to his fiancee, Jennifer, who works in the Records Department at the police station. Although she is a good deal younger than he is, they are madly in love. They are both Christians and are careful to keep their relationship honouring to the Lord. The morals and values of the characters are woven naturally into the story.

Detective Harvey Larson has a balancing act in dividing his time between a tricky investigation and helping his fiancee prepare for a wedding that is only four weeks away. The story moves back and forth between the characters involved in the murder investigation and the personal lives of Harvey and Jennifer, with several characters being in both circles. Susan Page Davis does an excellent job keeping everything straight and moving forward smoothly.

As a male reader, I found the ending after the mystery was solved rather long. However, I am sure the target audience of romance/mystery female readers will be delighted with the details of the wedding.

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